Week of November 29th
Monday, November 29
Objective: Enlightenment
1. Enlightenment PowerPoint
2. Enlightenment Philosophes
1. None
Tuesday, November 30
Objective: Enlightenment
1. Enlightenment PowerPoint
2. Enlightenment Philosophes
1. None
Wednesday, December 1
Objective: Enlightenment
1. Enlightenment PowerPoint
2. Enlightenment Philosophes
3. Practice Questions from textbook
1. None
Thursday, December 2
Objective: Enlightenment
1. Review Practice Questions from textbook
2. Unit 3 Lecture on AP Classroom- Outline due tonight on Schoology
1. Unit 3 Lecture on AP Classroom- Outline due tonight on Schoology
Friday, December 3
Objective: Enlightenment
1. Enlightenment PowerPoint
2. Enlightenment Philosophes
1. None
Tuesday, November 30
Objective: Enlightenment
1. Enlightenment PowerPoint
2. Enlightenment Philosophes
1. None
Wednesday, December 1
Objective: Enlightenment
1. Enlightenment PowerPoint
2. Enlightenment Philosophes
3. Practice Questions from textbook
1. None
Thursday, December 2
Objective: Enlightenment
1. Review Practice Questions from textbook
2. Unit 3 Lecture on AP Classroom- Outline due tonight on Schoology
1. Unit 3 Lecture on AP Classroom- Outline due tonight on Schoology
Friday, December 3
Week of November 15th
Monday, November 15
Objective: Absolutism Review
1. Complete Absolutism end of chapter questions
2. Review questions
Tuesday, November 16
Objective: Absolutism Review
1. Review Absolutism end of chapter questions
2. Complete LEQ at the end of Chapter 7
Wednesday, November 17
Objective: Absolutism Quiz
1. Quiz
2. Complete LEQ at the end of Chapter 7
Thursday, November 18
Objective: LEQ
1. Review Quiz
2. Complete LEQ at the end of Chapter 7
1. Read Ch 1. pages 15-20 for tomorrow. Be prepared to discuss
2. Watch- Unit 3: University Faculty Lecture- This lecture explores the development of different forms of political power in 16th-century to 18th-century Europe. On Schoology- Outline the forms of political power discussed in the video. Make sure your outline includes descriptions and follows a timeline.
3. Read Ch 10 and create 5 reading by terms. Due Tuesday by class.
Friday, November 19
Objective: Absolutism Review
1. Complete Absolutism end of chapter questions
2. Review questions
Tuesday, November 16
Objective: Absolutism Review
1. Review Absolutism end of chapter questions
2. Complete LEQ at the end of Chapter 7
Wednesday, November 17
Objective: Absolutism Quiz
1. Quiz
2. Complete LEQ at the end of Chapter 7
Thursday, November 18
Objective: LEQ
1. Review Quiz
2. Complete LEQ at the end of Chapter 7
1. Read Ch 1. pages 15-20 for tomorrow. Be prepared to discuss
2. Watch- Unit 3: University Faculty Lecture- This lecture explores the development of different forms of political power in 16th-century to 18th-century Europe. On Schoology- Outline the forms of political power discussed in the video. Make sure your outline includes descriptions and follows a timeline.
3. Read Ch 10 and create 5 reading by terms. Due Tuesday by class.
Friday, November 19
Week of November 8th
Monday, November 8
Objective: Russian Absolutism
1. Finish Peter the Great video
2. Russian Absolutism PowerPoint
Watch AP Classroom video 3.6.2
Tuesday, November 9
Objective: Dutch Golden Age
1. Dutch Golden Age PowerPoint
2. Dutch Golden Age
3. Dutch Golden Age Painting
Watch 3.6.3
Wednesday, November 10
Objective: Baroque Art
1. Baroque Art PowerPoint
2. How to identify Baroque Art
Watch 3.6.3 and answer MC questions
Thursday, November 11
Friday, November 12
Objective: Russian Absolutism
1. Finish Peter the Great video
2. Russian Absolutism PowerPoint
Watch AP Classroom video 3.6.2
Tuesday, November 9
Objective: Dutch Golden Age
1. Dutch Golden Age PowerPoint
2. Dutch Golden Age
3. Dutch Golden Age Painting
Watch 3.6.3
Wednesday, November 10
Objective: Baroque Art
1. Baroque Art PowerPoint
2. How to identify Baroque Art
Watch 3.6.3 and answer MC questions
Thursday, November 11
Friday, November 12
Week of October 25th
Monday, October 25
Objective: Student should be able to:
1. Absolutism in Central Europe PowerPoint
2. Vienna of Maria Theresa
1. Watch AP Classroom video 3.7: Daily video 1 and 3.7: Daily video 2
On Schoology Discussion board-
What is Argumentation? The presenter talked about describing DBQ documents. Tell me 2 things you learned about describing documents that you did not know before. Tell me 2 things that were confirmed for you (you already knew) about describing documents? How will you change your DBQ writing now that you have watched this?
The second video talked about LEQs (which we have not done yet). What did you learn about how to use evidence on an LEQ from this video?
(We will write out first LEQ next week)
Tuesday, October 26
Objective: Student should be able to:
1. Absolutism in Central Europe PowerPoint
2. Vienna of Maria Theresa
1. Watch AP Classroom video 3.7: Daily video 1 and 3.7: Daily video 2
On Schoology Discussion board-
What is Argumentation? The presenter talked about describing DBQ documents. Tell me 2 things you learned about describing documents that you did not know before. Tell me 2 things that were confirmed for you (you already knew) about describing documents? How will you change your DBQ writing now that you have watched this?
The second video talked about LEQs (which we have not done yet). What did you learn about how to use evidence on an LEQ from this video?
Wednesday, October 27
Objective: Student should be able to:
1. Absolutism in Central Europe PowerPoint
2. Vienna of Maria Theresa
1. Watch AP Classroom video 3.7: Daily video 1 and 3.7: Daily video 2
On Schoology Discussion board-
What is Argumentation? The presenter talked about describing DBQ documents. Tell me 2 things you learned about describing documents that you did not know before. Tell me 2 things that were confirmed for you (you already knew) about describing documents? How will you change your DBQ writing now that you have watched this?
The second video talked about LEQs (which we have not done yet). What did you learn about how to use evidence on an LEQ from this video?
(We will write out first LEQ next week)
Tuesday, October 26
Objective: Student should be able to:
1. Absolutism in Central Europe PowerPoint
2. Vienna of Maria Theresa
1. Watch AP Classroom video 3.7: Daily video 1 and 3.7: Daily video 2
On Schoology Discussion board-
What is Argumentation? The presenter talked about describing DBQ documents. Tell me 2 things you learned about describing documents that you did not know before. Tell me 2 things that were confirmed for you (you already knew) about describing documents? How will you change your DBQ writing now that you have watched this?
The second video talked about LEQs (which we have not done yet). What did you learn about how to use evidence on an LEQ from this video?
Wednesday, October 27
Week of October 18th
Monday, October 18
Objectives: Explain the causes and consequences of the English Civil War.Procedures:
1. English Constitutional Monarchy PowerPoint
2. V for Vendetta Scene
1. Read- Pages 131-136 (stop at Peter the Great of Russia) and read page 143. Due tomorrow. Take notes, will check for grade.
2. Read the rest of Ch 7 by Friday, October 22nd. Complete 5 reading by terms.
Tuesday, October 19
Objectives: Explain the causes and consequences of the English Civil War.
1. Watch Mr. Ds Screencast
2. English Constitutional Monarchy PowerPoint
3. English Civil War video
1. Read- Pages 131-136 (stop at Peter the Great of Russia) and read page 143. Due tomorrow. Take notes, will check for grade.
2. Read the rest of Ch 7 by Friday, October 22nd. Complete 5 reading by terms.
Wednesday, October 20
Objectives: Explain the Restoration and Glorious Revolution
1. English Constitutional Monarchy PowerPoint
2. Glorious Revolution Video
3. English Bill of Rights- Read and answer questions- due Tonight
4. Complete 3 MC questions on AP Classroom
1. Read- Pages 131-136 (stop at Peter the Great of Russia) and read page 143. Due tomorrow. Take notes, will check for grade.
2. Read the rest of Ch 7 by Friday, October 22nd. Complete 5 reading by terms.
Thursday, October 21
Objective: Students should be able to:
Explain how absolutist forms of rule affected social and political development from 1648 to 1815.
1. PowerPoint Absolutism
2. Palace of Versailles Rick Steves
1. Watch on AP Classroom 3.7: Daily Video 1- On Schoology discussion board- Explain the similarities and differences between the New Monarchies and Absolute Monarchies.
2. Read the rest of Ch 7 by Friday, October 22nd. Complete 5 reading by terms.
Friday, October 22
Objectives: Explain the causes and consequences of the English Civil War.Procedures:
1. English Constitutional Monarchy PowerPoint
2. V for Vendetta Scene
1. Read- Pages 131-136 (stop at Peter the Great of Russia) and read page 143. Due tomorrow. Take notes, will check for grade.
2. Read the rest of Ch 7 by Friday, October 22nd. Complete 5 reading by terms.
Tuesday, October 19
Objectives: Explain the causes and consequences of the English Civil War.
1. Watch Mr. Ds Screencast
2. English Constitutional Monarchy PowerPoint
3. English Civil War video
1. Read- Pages 131-136 (stop at Peter the Great of Russia) and read page 143. Due tomorrow. Take notes, will check for grade.
2. Read the rest of Ch 7 by Friday, October 22nd. Complete 5 reading by terms.
Wednesday, October 20
Objectives: Explain the Restoration and Glorious Revolution
1. English Constitutional Monarchy PowerPoint
2. Glorious Revolution Video
3. English Bill of Rights- Read and answer questions- due Tonight
4. Complete 3 MC questions on AP Classroom
1. Read- Pages 131-136 (stop at Peter the Great of Russia) and read page 143. Due tomorrow. Take notes, will check for grade.
2. Read the rest of Ch 7 by Friday, October 22nd. Complete 5 reading by terms.
Thursday, October 21
Objective: Students should be able to:
Explain how absolutist forms of rule affected social and political development from 1648 to 1815.
1. PowerPoint Absolutism
2. Palace of Versailles Rick Steves
1. Watch on AP Classroom 3.7: Daily Video 1- On Schoology discussion board- Explain the similarities and differences between the New Monarchies and Absolute Monarchies.
2. Read the rest of Ch 7 by Friday, October 22nd. Complete 5 reading by terms.
Friday, October 22