Week of September 6th
Monday, September 6
No School- Labor Day What is Labor Day and why do we celebrate it? Tuesday, September 7 Objectives: Students should be able to 1. Follow classroom rules and procedures Procedure: 1. Introductions 2. Distribution of textbooks 3. CoPoGo Syllabus and Specifics 4. Please respond to the following questions in a few thoughtful sentences or a short paragraph.
Democratization Briefing Paper Assignment - Due Friday, September 10by class time. Wednesday, September 8 Objectives: Students should be able to 1. Identify comparative gov't terms and concepts Procedure: 1. Comparative Method discussion PowerPoint 2. Teacher-generated discussion - empirical data, normative methods, variables, correlations, causations 3. Scenario Analysis - variables, hypotheses, correlation and causation Homework: 1. Read text pages 12-21 (Topic Two - through "Core Areas")- Tomorrow 9/9 2. Democratization Briefing Paper Assignment - Due Friday 9/10 by class time. Thursday, September 9 Objectives: Students should be able to 1. Identify comparative gov't terms and concepts Procedure: 1. Comparative Method discussion PowerPoint 2. Teacher-generated discussion - empirical data, normative methods, variables, correlations, causations 3. Scenario Analysis - variables, hypotheses, correlation and causation 4. Democratization Briefing Paper Assignment Homework: 1. Democratization Briefing Paper Assignment - Due Friday 9/10 by class time. Friday, September 10 Objectives: Students should be able to 1. Identify comparative gov't terms and concepts Procedure: 1. Pair and share- Democratization paper 2. Article Summaries- Due Monday, September 13 Homework: 1. Read and take notes on pages 12-17 of text through the end of TOPIC ONE) - be prepared to discuss main ideas of the major approaches on Monday 9/16. 2. Article Summaries- Due Monday, September 13 |